For those who came here because of the link in my other write up about visiting Tokyo , and who may not be familiar with the fountain pen hobby, let me give you a primer in two paragraphs: While there are various accounts of fountain pen collecting as a hobby before, it is generally accepted that today's fountain pen hobby can be traced to its origin in the United States in the 1970s when a group of people who individually collected vintage fountain pens started to connect with each other via newsletters, small meets, and eventually gatherings which later evolved into pen shows. Something must have struck a chord with a lot of people across generations because from those humble beginnings, today we have 20+ pen shows in the US alone, each with 1000s of attendees, and more popping up all over the globe, accompanied by online forums, Youtube channels, social media feeds and contents to connect fountain pen enthusiasts daily. And with that background, this is my fountain pen experien...
This is a journal from our first family trip to Tokyo from Dallas, Texas, USA. I'm recording this for us to remember the lessons learned and to review when preparing for our next trip in the future. You, esteemed readers, are of course welcome to tag along and use our experiences to aid your own first trip to Tokyo. Of course, being this was just a weeklong trip, we barely tasted what Tokyo has to offer, but we covered enough to write about, so it's a start. Also be aware that some of the destinations in Tokyo may not fit what you're looking for. For example, we are not a "Disney family" so you won't find Tokyo Disney outside of this sentence. From the train station to our hotel in Ginza First let's make things easy to navigate. This write up basically contains two parts, one about how we prepare for the trip, and the 2nd part is where we went in Tokyo, so you can use these shortcuts if you want to skip ahead, or just read in sequence, totally up to you: I...